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What AA Workspace is all about

AA Shared Workspace is a collaborative workspace located in downtown Antigonish, Nova Scotia. We offer all inclusive, personal office spaces with a centralized front desk area and common rooms to encourage collaborative work between different businesses.

Our Services

Our Services

Separate Office Spaces

Individual office spaces for one to two people, allowing you to conduct business without interruption

Managed IT Services

Our admin are available to help you with any IT issues you may face in setting up and organizing the tech behind your business

Cloud Solutions

Cloud storage set up with OneDrive available for new users looking to easily transition from paper files to a online system

Common Areas

Front desk person to greet any visitors you may have, boardroom available to rent, shared kitchenette & breakroom, outdoor sitting area

Network Solutions

We offer a secure Fiber-Op internet connection with a 940 Mbps download speed at no extra fee

Mail Service

Have a set business address where you can receive mail from clients or associates, mail sorting and postage for out going mail also included

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Ready to find out more?

Fill out our contact sheet to get more information, fill out an application or arrange a time to view any available spaces in our office.


Reach out to get more details on what we offer.

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54B St Mary's Street, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2A5

Tel. 1 (902) 863 7912

© 2023 by Antigonish Administrative Shared Workspace

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